G and M Sales Territory Map

Established in 1996, G & M Sales, Incorporated is a professional
technical sales and service organization serving the needs of our electric utility customers and
the manufacturers we present. Based out of southeastern Pennsylvania, our coverage area includes but
is not limited to the states of Delaware, Maryland, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, the
District of Columbia, and the greater New York City metropolitan area. Additionally, we cover
Chicago and its suburbs for several of our principal partners. During our longevity, we have
continually demonstrated exemplary service, production, and integrity that helped us become the
premier electrical manufacturers’ representative in the Mid-Atlantic region.
Contact us or
Call 610-738-1440
Call anytime to for an appointment with an experienced representative.
Over 22 years
of experience
Our organization is comprised of employees totaling 93 years of outside, technical sales experience and 71 years of customer service. The sales team has a diverse background including engineers who have previously worked for investor-owed electric utilities. We strive to engage the various departments within the typical electric utility including Standards Engineering, Operations, System Automation, Procurement, Work Practices, Safety, and Planning. Additionally, the personnel of G&M Sales, Inc regularly work with our distributor partners, consultants, developers, packagers, contractors, and industrials.